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How to Shoot Video in the Operating Room

Operating room shoots are challenging because it is applied outside of every videographer's comfort zone. The lack of a suitable video shooting area makes things even more difficult. In this article, we will tell you about “how to shoot in the operating room environment despite all the difficulties”.


If we go step by step, it would be appropriate to start from the preparation process and get into the subject. The important issue here is what kind of shooting is planned. Since the shootings will be planned according to the customer's offer, we can also determine the equipment to be used.


When building operating rooms, the possibility of shooting videos don't be considered. Therefore, it would be right to choose all the equipment we will use here with the highest minimalism. Otherwise, it will be difficult to capture the intended frames. Today, since 4K images and log shots are made with mirrorless cameras, these can always be the reason for preference. However, if necessary, we can increase the number of equipment using a tripod or monopod.


Now our equipment is ready, and we will enter the operating room. We should wear clothes that are proper with sterilization rules. We must wear surgical gowns, bonnets, and masks. Since the size of each operating room is different, if we are lucky, we can shoot in a large area.


Sterilization rules are very important when shooting in the operating room. It is the most important rule for the videographer to stay away from the green areas while shooting. The person who will shoot the video may not know the rules in the operating room very well. In such cases, you should ask the nurses which areas are sterile.


Especially in plastic surgery operations, we should show the operation room before the surgery. For example, let's say a nose surgery will be performed. Here, we have to determine the best angles to shoot the first look of the nose and then take the shots. What we need to remember is that; we should not forget the angles we shot and after the process is finished, we should provide an effective image by taking the finished footage of the process from the same angles.


Before-after videos should be shown in every surgery. In fact, these frames reveal the purpose of that surgery.


The operation area where the doctor performs the procedure usually has a bloody appearance. For this reason, we must keep these moments to a minimum, and it may even be best not to show these processes in the video at all.


So what should we shoot in the operating room other than "before and after videos"? In fact, it depends on the creativity of the person. Because every eye sees differently. However, for an effective video, it can be aesthetic to show the surgical equipment with detailed shots and close-ups. It may be more remarkable to shoot hands or people in the operating room in close-up and to shoot the eyes in detail.


Another challenge for the videographer is not being able to guide people in the operating room while shooting. Normally, you can direct people in accordance with the shooting plans, but in the operating room, it is the opposite. Since you cannot direct people, you have to find right angles for them.

Although, reading all this makes you feel like operating room shooting may be hard, as you practice, you start to enjoy this job and continue to develop your creativity.

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