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Great Place To Work

Great Place To Work is a certification title that shows that the company offers its employees an extremely safe and enjoyable work environment. It has a structure that allows to learn the details of the work experience of the employees, recommends meeting the demands within the team, improving the conditions, and showing that the company exhibits a business culture that will provide them.

Having “great” employee experience, workplace culture and workspace brings success and progress. The Great Place to Work certificate, which is obtained on the condition that the results evaluated by an independent mechanism meet the necessary criteria, is an important indicator that the company is and will be successful in matters such as brand growth, increasing customer satisfaction, innovative thinking, and staying one step ahead of competitors.

As the New Health Media team, we are happy to have achieved the title of Great Place to Work certification by getting a high Trust Index score as a result of the implementation of the necessary steps.


Great Place To Work - NEW HEALTH MEDIA


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