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Digital Communication Consultancy in Health Tourism


Health Tourism… Lots of clinic and doctor have always want to do yet do not dare to handle, or they have fizzled out.

Achieving in health tourism is not about bring patients from abroad. It means so much more from that!

The way of success is to have a digital marketing strategy. When you put this plan into action, you must set short-, medium- and long-term goals from the day one. You should be ensured that the works must contributes quality and quantity-based value to branding process.

You can turn your company into one of the preferred global one by providing quality services combined with Turkey’s health tourism aims and incentives in this direction. 


Let’s look at this process’ steps together.

Digital Communication in Health Tourism

Classifying of the center and pricing of services.Firstly, start by classifying your clinic. Specify both the quality and price scale of the services that will provide to your patients. Every clinic is the apple of its owner. They describe their services as A+. But you must be realistic! List your featured services and deficiencies rightfully. Don’t forget, this is the best possible way to get better in competition. 


Analyzing Digital Marketing.You should find out how much a form that comes via Landing Pages through Google ads costs, how effective Instagram forms are, and which treatments are better at Facebook interactions. If there are any social media platforms that are specific to those countries, learn about them. Add these platforms to your plans.


Creating Digital IdentityMake an SEO friendly website, create qualify accounts for all social media platforms. Get involved fields like Whatxlinic, RealSelf, TrustPilot.

Make some arrangements in your clinic so that your patients can comment on you via these channels. Use QR codes.  "Remember! You can only leave your mark on the internet with a quality work."

Digital Agency in Health Tourism - New Health Media

Creating a Digital Marketing Plan. Start your SEO work from day one, bring out your social media strategies and, think up an incorporated campaign plan. This approach will ensure that every expenditure you make will come back to you in the medium and long term. "Get professional support for all this!" This approach provides you with every expenditure you make that will come back to you in the medium and long term. “Get professional support for all that!”

Defining the Purpose of a Budget. Regardless of which professions you have, remember that you are targeting the global as the best and, you will be in competition with the whole world. For this, you need to put a considerable amount of budget aside. But do not let this intimidate you. Turkey supports companies that duly carry out health tourism with incentives offered in different fields. Marketing is the most important of these areas. You can benefit from an incentive of 60% up to 400 thousand dollars per year. "Trust the experts in this business to get incentives back."

Turkey support companies that carry out health tourism with the incentives it offered in different fields. Marketing is Marketing is the most important of these areas. You can benefit from an incentive of 60% up to 400 thousand dollars per year.  "Trust the experts in this business to get incentives back." 

Producing Digital Marketing Content. Make professional videos and share your clinic, services, and experiences through these videos. Use your own original photos instead of stock images. “Who wants to see images that everybody saw tons of times before?”

Prioritizing CRM. CRM – Customer Relationship Management. As in every sector, there is a need for customer relationship management in the health sector as well. Starting from the first day, collect customer’s data that you are in contact with. 

Thus, you can accurately store the "reactions" of your patient candidates to the campaigns you make and ensure that the campaigns appear to the patients at the right times. Dominating your customer base will directly affect your sales. "Make sure to use a CRM program!"

Reporting. Prioritize reporting. Analyze your successes and failures well. Correct reporting will be your biggest guide for the next stage.

Now, it’s your turn!

Which stage is the most challenging for you in the digital marketing process of health tourism?

Come on, write to us!


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